Bananas are together a fruit and not a fruit. Though the banana plant is conversationally named a banana sapling, it’s really an herb vaguely connected to auburn, since the vegetable has a juicy tree stem, instead of a timber one. A few of them even produced over my knolls and pervaded such a mild and hot feel to the location, it was informal to overlook that we existed in the urban with horns gusting from the Harbor of Los Angeles every day. The quasi stem starts as a small sprout from an subversive stem called a bulb. It grows rising as a solitary stalk with a fitted twisting of leaf covers enfolded about it. Banana greeneries are just postponements of the covers. Banana florae don’t smooth have a stalk. It is a pseudo stalk an phony. This pseudo stem is nonentity but a package of numerous leaf covers surrounded in tight round spiral reels. This grows up, and when established, it tolerates plants and fruits. Unlike plants, a banana plant does not smooth own long rubbery roots, but somewhat a bulb, which is a particular root. A slight sprout arises from an subversive bulb, starting the pseudo stem