A tale found in 18th period English folklore, deeply carved into the very origins of popular ethos, tells of three little pigs and the way in which each dealt with the outdoor threat of the big bad wolf. The first little piggy, merry as he certainly was, built himself a house out of grass, leaving period for fun and play. The additional pig made his homebased out of sticks, taking a little lengthier in the procedure, yet still left time for life’s pleasures. Temporarily, the last little pig put in approximately extra effort after consuming learned enough about the danger at hand, and built himself a house of elements and sand.The stave churches establish one of the most intricate and scientifically advanced types of made of wood edifice that existed in North-Western Europe throughout the Middle Ages. The minsters were built on the classic church plan, but completely of wood. The roof edges were lined with sheets and the roof itself covered with sands in accordance with building techniques which were prevalent in Norse countries. Among the roughly 1,300 feudal stave churches indexed, 28 are conserved in Norway nowadays.