The leeches that I consume ambitious several one hundred much to meeting are lake, parasitical, multi-segmented annelidan larvae with 10 stomachs, 32 brains, 9 pairs of testicles, and numerous one hundred teeth that leave a idiosyncratic bite mark. Which I supposing it is. Thousands of ages since bloodsuckers were first working for therapeutic drives, and a period since leech mania saw blood-letting used to challenge all from annoyances to strangling, these beings are still rummage-sale to spotless injuries and recover flow, particularly after surgery. Less than half a mile after the M4 highway, in the south-west of Wales, there is a enclosed arrival off a road whose designation I can’t speak, and a small sign saying BioPharma. A long and snaky drive permits sheds of unclear drive and ends in a minor yard beyond an impressive cream-colored manor household. The UK’s only bloodsucker manufacture commercial looks like a wellbeing farm. Which I supposing it is.