As the bag expands it drives its way out after amid a split in the shelter so none of the direction-finding wheel, console or other superficial in obverse hits your face or form. As your head or form meets the airbag, it pillows the influence by devaluing through hovels at the base. The driver-side airbag kindles and expands in 20-30 msecs, or less than half the period it takes to wink your eyes. The nearside bag takes 30-40 milliseconds. It’s dark and rainy. Maybe you’re heavy faster than you must be. Maybe some animal darts into the street. Or maybe another motorist loses control of their car. You swerving and slam on the footbrakes, but the crash has already been set into gesture. Your seat belt tautens as your car bangs, and the only thing between you and a thoughtful injury or even demise is a thin nylon bag full of nitrogen gas an airbag.