Human eye can see 10 million colors, did you reason the amount was abundant inferior Did you see that there are around animals that see in black and white, and some animals that don’t even consume eyes. Though, the most stimulating fact is that the mantid prawn has 12 photo receptors in their eyes, while people only have 3.Color is clear as a wavelength of bright. The lengthiest wavelengths are reds, and oranges, while petite wavelengths are sadness and purples. Black would be the nonappearance of shade, and white bright is all of the insignia joint. This is easy to recall if you distinguish the three-sided symbol for the group, Pink Floyd. This is a glimmer of snowy light incoming finished a optical prism, and producing as a bending of dissimilar colors of bright. The humanoid eye has 3 photo receptors. We engross light finished our eyes, and these wavelengths command what shade the pinecones in our eyes understand.