This is the eldest gate still in usage in Rome. The entrances are so well stable, yet actual heavy, that they can be effortlessly lacking or unlocked by one being. It is one of only 2 doors in the world with a 2000-year-old padlock still in process. The door is unique Roman and is one of the actual few bronze doors that lived the thefts of the barbarians and Barbering. Near the pivots the marks left by the fetters used to unbalance them are still noticeable. In otiose of course. These were supposed to be a 15th-century spare for the innovative, mainly since they were thought by modern designers to be too minor for the door edges. However, examination of the fusion method long-established that these are the unique Roman entrances – one of only three structures in antique Rome to have conserved its unique bronze doors, contempt housework and the request of Christian themes over the periods.